Electric Stacker
Heavy Duty Chassis Construction
8 mm thick carbon steel chassis protects the
drive train, hydraulic pack and controller from any damage during operations
Fully-integrated AC Traction System (ACTS)
- The AC control system and ruggedness of the drive train provides smooth direction changes and allows you to change direction instantaneously
- ACTS also enables the operator to precisely and accurately position the machine to pick and place pallets
- Motor torque control provides braking force, dramatically reducing the need for electromagnetic brake operation, This minimises brake pad wear saving maintenance time and cost.
Programmable Performance Equipment
- Programmable Microprocessor based MOSFET controller enables the equipment to be set to work at the required speeds as well as set required braking distances
- Controller provides the appropriate torque to speed ratio to meet the demands of the application based on constant feedback from the encoder
- The controller increases the life of the motor and enables the battery to last longer by up to 5%
- Superior control of motor characteristics enhances the life of the motor, besides enabling upto 5% additional operating hours in each charge cycle
Full Function Control Handle
- Thanks to the full function control handle, the operator can manage all functions (Forward/Reverse/ Braking/Lifting/Lowering) with one hand
- Full function handle eliminates all distraction, allows operator to focus solely on the handling task
- The machine can be handled with either left or right hand due to symmetrical design of the handle
Superior Mast Design affords better Visibility and Industry Leading Lifting Capacity
- I section with interlocking construction ensures sufficient rigidity & stability to lift loads up to 6.3 meters height
- This also enables industry leading 650 kg lifting capacity available at 6.3 metre with ESW model
Energy Efficient and Precise Fork Control through Electronically Controlled Hydraulics
- Proportional control valve enables operator to align the forks smoothly and accurately with the pallet
- Jerk-free lifting and lowering ensures safety and stability of handling
- Electronic control generates only the power required to lift a particular load, saving energy, allowing the battery to run longer on every charge
Safety with Improved Productivity
- Attachments like load back rest improves safety while handling loosely stacked pallets
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